caring for children and families. mind. body. soul.

Taylor Family Foster Care
Our Little Academy
Keystone Mental Health
COA Accreditation
Our Little Haven, a COA (Council on Accreditation) Licensed Organization
What is COA Accreditation?
COA Accreditation is the formal evaluation of an organization or program against best practice standards. It is both a status and process for an organization.
As a Status: Accreditation signifies that Our Little Haven meets standards of quality set forth by the accrediting body.
As a Process: Accreditation involves an in-depth self-review of Our Little Haven against currently accepted best practice standards, an onsite visit by evaluation team composed of experts, and a subsequent review and decision by the accrediting body.
"COA's program of quality improvement is designed to identify providers that have met high performance standards and have made a commitment to their stakeholders to deliver the very best quality services. COA is proud to recognize Our Little Haven as one of these outstanding providers, and we wish you the very best in your continuing work with the individuals you serve."
-Jody Levinson-Johnson, President and CEO, Council on Accreditation.